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Pompeii Bastille Lyrics Deutsch

Exploring the Emotional Journey of Isolation through Poetry

Interlude: WEB Intro's Strophe 1

Original Text:

Eh eheu eheu
Strophe 1
Ich wurde mir selbst überlassen.
Ich war ganz auf mich allein gestellt.
Viele Tage vergingen, an denen ich nichts.

English Translation:

Verse 1

I was left to my own devices.
Many days fell away with nothing to show.
I was left to my own devices.

The opening lines of WEB Intro's Strophe 1 paint a vivid picture of isolation and loneliness.
"Ich wurde mir selbst überlassen" (I was left to my own devices) suggests a sense of abandonment,
while "Ich war ganz auf mich allein gestellt" (I was entirely on my own) emphasizes the profound
absence of human connection.
The repetition of the word "allein" (alone) underscores the all-encompassing nature of this solitude.
The phrase "viele Tage vergingen" (many days passed) further conveys the prolonged and dreary
nature of this experience, where time seems to stretch endlessly without offering respite.
The lack of any further details in the final line, "an denen ich nichts" (during which I did nothing),
amplifies the emptiness and futility of this solitary existence.
